Because virtually every financial decision has tax implications, effective financial planning is directly related to smart tax planning. Tax season for us is more than April 15th — it’s all the time.

How We Help

We take a 24/7, 365 approach to tax strategies and planning to help you maximize your wealth.

Tax Expertise

Our team has over 30 years of experience as CPAs, so you can be assured our advice always takes into account the latest in tax issues and seeks to identify ways to lower your income tax burden.

Lower Tax Burdens

It’s not what you make that matters most but how much you keep. Our investment portfolios are structured to minimize taxes. Passively managed index funds are, by definition, tax efficient because of their low asset turnover. Other simple strategies, ignored by or unknown to most investment advisors, can save you thousands of tax dollars every year. We routinely and consistently reduce our clients’ taxes through tax-smart portfolio management techniques like avoiding short-term capital gains, recognizing capital losses when appropriate, using appreciated securities for charitable giving, shifting income to children, and placing fixed income investments in IRAs and other qualified retirement accounts.

Taxes and Financial Transactions

You may have frequent financial transactions—whether business, investment, or personal. Then again, you may have only one or two significant financial transactions in your lifetime. Regardless, you will want your financial transactions to be structured to achieve favorable tax results. If you’re buying or selling real estate; involved in a business sale or purchase; marrying or divorcing; inheriting wealth; receiving a legal settlement, prize, or award; or are a party to any other unusual financial transaction, we will work with you to understand the transaction, identify the options, help negotiate the best result for you, and determine and communicate the tax and financial implications.

Tax Returns

We have a commonly owned CPA firm and have prepared thousands of returns, accurately and on time. We also collaborate with independent CPA firms with whom we have strong working relationships. The tax preparation process is also a great annual “checkup”—a chance to see the results of your financial transactions from the year and discuss tax issues. Our annual checkups often uncover other important tax or financial concerns. Meanwhile, tax compliance for us continues throughout the year. We continually review every single tax return to stay current with quarterly estimates and withholding and to identify tax savings opportunities.

How Much Could You Be Saving?

Taxes are too important to put in the hands of someone with inadequate experience. Strengthen your finances with more thorough tax planning.

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